One of the fastest growing areas of employment in Australia is in the information technology field and more specifically, IT contracting.
IT Liability Insurance has been specifically designed for this complex and diverse market and offers a seamless packaged liability cover for IT products and services.
An IT Liability policy is a combined policy which provides cover for both Professional Indemnity and Public & Products Liability Insurance. On occasion there can be legal uncertainty as to the nature of activities provided by IT professionals. For example, it is not always clear what can be defined as a product (IT goods) and what can be defined as a service (IT services). By combining these into the one IT liability cover, the gaps that may exist with having two separate policies are significantly reduced.
There are a vast range of occupations that fall under the definition of IT who may require IT Liability insurance. Broadly, the development, manufacturing, licensing, selling, providing, advising or integration of any form of information technology and related services by a consultant or organisation may be exposed to potential claims. Some of these occupations can include:
- Data Processing/Warehousing Services
- Education and Training
- Hardware Installation, Maintenance and Repair
- Hardware Sales
- ISP/Web/Internet Service
- IT Consultants
- IT Recruitment and Placement Services
- Project Management
- Software Development/Installation/Maintenance
- Software Sales – Customised/Own Developed
- Software Sales – Packaged/Third Party Software
- Systems Analysis/Audit
- Systems Integration
- Telecommunication Services